By Amy Kynman
December 4, 2022
I arrived at UC Berkeley in January 2020 and joining the Berkeley Science Review as a writer in my first year was an amazing outlet for me as I settled into life in the Bay Area. It gave respite from my own academic studies, while allowing me to become immersed in the rest of the ground-breaking research that Berkeley has to offer. This became even more valuable as the pandemic progressed, when some of my only face-to-face interactions outside of the lab were Zoom meetings with editors or interviewees for my article. I have been involved in the magazine ever since and have seen first-hand the incredible opportunity this magazine provides to graduate students in our community—giving a chance to improve communication skills, uncover new interests, and perhaps most importantly, connect with other researchers. In Issue 43, where many of our writers are first-time authors for the Berkeley Science Review, I think this is particularly evident.
For this issue, a team of talented graduate students brought together research from every corner of the Berkeley campus and beyond—to highlight the evolution and advancement of technology happening right on our doorstep. In “Teamwork makes the machine work,” we show the progression of quantum computing, while emphasizing the important role of past and present research at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Or in “Taking evolution by swarm,” we see how evolutionary biology is ushering in a new age of discoveries. “Atoms at the Eve of the Universe” explains the ways in which scientists are uncovering long sought-after answers about the origins of the chemical elements that make up the world around us.
But we can’t talk about technological advancements without addressing the sustainability challenges that come with them. In Issue 43, we have worked with members of the Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative to bring to light several researchers striving to solve environmental issues. In “We capture the carbon,” we describe a method to trap greenhouse gases directly from power plants, and in “The dirt on your doorstep” we show how we can map the location of pollutants and advocate for cleaner air.
Alongside our writers, there are of course many other members of the Berkeley Science Review team to thank. An incredible group of editors have worked hard to polish articles to the standard you see in this issue. A special thank you goes to Sierra Lear, who has been an invaluable member of the editing team for several years and is departing from the magazine after Issue 43. The design team, led by our new Art Director Liya Oster, has worked tirelessly to produce beautiful artwork that brings the science to life on the page. Sophia Friesen, our Managing Editor, has done an exceptional job of handling the finances and logistics of this issue. Lastly, I’d like to thank all of our donors and subscribers, particularly the Karmon family, whose generosity allows the Berkeley Science Review to continue to thrive.
We hope you enjoy reading about the latest science at UC Berkeley in Issue 43 of the Berkeley Science Review!
Sincerely, Amy Kynman Editor in Chief
This article is part of the Fall 2022 issue.