From the Editor

By Dat Mai

May 20, 2018

Dear Readers,

Another year has come and another spring has arrived. A stroll around the campus shows a bustling student body even larger than the year before. Undoubtedly, amongst the crowd are scientists who are trying to solve a problem related to this population increase. As there becomes more of us, how can we make the world a more sustainable place?

In this issue of the Berkeley Science Review, our authors explore the science of sustainability, which is especially relevant in our growing society that’s becoming more resource intensive. Learn how advancements in 3D printing have reduced its environmental footprint in “A printed revolution.” See how scientists have learned to leverage microorganisms to create resilient fabrics in “Biofabrication” and to act as power sources for devices in “Powered by life.” Discover the abundant crystal being used to improve solar powered technology in the eponymous article, “Perovskite.” In keeping with the theme of sustainability, “Plantation peril” highlights effects of palm tree plantations on rainforests and “Plant protectors” regales the story of how the UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens acts as a sanctuary for plant conservation and biodiversity.

This is the 17th year of the Berkeley Science Review and I’m delighted to work on it in my first year as Editor in Chief alongside a talented team of editors, designers, and writers. I want to give special thanks to the design team and Art Director, Ashley Truxal; this amazing group of people worked together to create the beautiful magazine you’re holding. After two great semesters of managing the design team and process, Ashley will be succeeded by Nicole Repina. Nicole is a graduate student in bioengineering and has been working with the Berkeley Science Review since 2016 and has served as the “A decentralized future” article and cover designer for this issue. I also thank Katie Deets, the Managing Editor, without whom, the magazine as a product and organization would be in shambles.

As you turn the pages of the magazine, I hope you enjoy the detailed artwork, carefully crafted stories, and the science they underscore. Please enjoy Issue 34 of the Berkeley Science Review.


Dat Mai

Editor in Chief

This article is part of the Spring 2018 issue.