
From the Editor

By Emily Hartman

November 16, 2017

Dear Readers,

Autumn has arrived, with its crisp air and bustling streets. Sidewalks and coffee shops teem with students and researchers, chatting, exchanging ideas, and discussing science. In many ways, science is forged through these connections—between people, concepts, techniques—as ideas become woven together into true progress.

In this issue of the Berkeley Science Review, several authors uncover the connections that are central to scientific progress. Within these pages, find out how an on-campus program brings researchers together in “Breaking barriers”, and how international mentorship has sparked strong basic research programs in “World-wide science”. Explore how extreme life on our own planet connects to the study of life beyond Earth in “Life on the edge”, and how a paradigm shift in research results in better patient outcomes in “Ditching discovery”. This issue of the Berkeley Science Review also contains twin “From the Field” articles describing two very different kinds of research at UC Berkeley.

Each issue of the Berkeley Science Review is unique, shaped by the many writers, editors, designers, and photographers who invest countless hours in its creation. I especially want to thank the design team, led by Art Director Ashley Truxal, for this bright and beautifully designed issue. I would also like to thank our managing editor, Katie Deets, who ensures that we continue to publish each new issue and grow as a student organization. I want to give special acknowledgements to Nicole Haloupek, our blog Editor in Chief, and Dat Mai, our web director, for directing and expanding our online presence.

This is my last issue as Editor in Chief of the Berkeley Science Review. Being Editor in Chief has been one of the most challenging, rewarding, and surprising experiences I’ve had in graduate school. I have been fortunate to work with a talented and growing team of editors, writers, designers, and photographers. I am thrilled to introduce Dat Mai as the next Editor in Chief of the Berkeley Science Review. He is a talented third year graduate student in integrative biology, and he has acted as both an editor and web director for the Berkeley Science Review for the past several issues.

Enjoy Issue 33 of the Berkeley Science Review!


Emily Hartman

Editor in Chief

This article is part of the Fall 2017 issue.