The Universe

Year's end choice articles from the arXiv

By Daniel Freeman

January 6, 2016

In the tradition of our previous choice articles from the preprint site, arXiv, I've collected a few big results from the past year that I thought were particularly interesting. You might have read about some of these results on the news, but it's always nice to see the results in their purest, preprint form:

  1. 750 GeV excess at the LHC. This wasn't technically reported on the arXiv, it was at a news conference from CERN, but the flurry of articles attempting to explain excess that followed are worth mentioning. One article was posted less than an hour after the talk! It'll take a few more months before this new excess is determined to be real or just a statistical fluctuation. It will take longer to decide which of the 50+ competing explanations might explain it.

  2. Graph Isomorphism in quasipolynomial time. Wikipedia has a great explanation, as usual. While there have been great heuristic algorithms for GI, exact efficient algorithms were unknown. Now, Laszlo Babai has provided an almost-polynomial time algorithm for solving the problem, which is a pretty huge technical achievement.

  3. Undecideability of the spectral gap problem. This got a TOOOON of press last month (even though it's been on arXiv since February) because the final version of the paper got accepted to Nature. Scott Aaronson has a great writeup of the result. Actually, Scott Aaronson also has a great 2015-in-review post as well, so just go read that, too.

  4. An AI ''about'' as ''smart'' as a four-year old, as measured via IQ tests.

  5. Planck satellite results. There's over 25 papers, but paper number 20 is particularly neat because it's now our best constraint on Inflation theories for the early universe.

  6. (bonus): The economic and financial repercussions of the rebels destroying two Death Stars.

    Hopefully, 2016 will be filled with just as many exciting results!